Hello and Welcome!

I'm starting this blog to help all you moms out there, like my friends and me, who want their kids to have the benefits of preschool but also want to save money and have more control over what is being taught. Does this describe you?  If so then read on, I might get a bit dry sometimes but I promise to give you tons of great information and resources to help make running a "Mommy Preschool" of your own as easy and stress free as possible.

I've done a lot of research and talked with many professionals to find the best resources and ways to teach our preschoolers so that our childrens' time is well spent and we're not wasting time and money on methods that don't help our children get any further ahead in the long run.  For instance, not only do our children not need to know very much academically, like ABC's and 123's, colors, shapes, etc, before kindergarten but it doesn't get them ahead in the long run AT ALL and they end up sitting around bored in Kindergarten while the teacher is trying to get the other kids up to where they are. Instead research has shown that teaching them HOW to learn and think about things in different ways does set them ahead in the long run because they will be able to learn concepts quicker and understand them better. Also, many teachers have said that those children that spend their "learning time" with their moms learning things like sharing and how to be a good friend and make happier choices are much more confident and secure when they start school.

Not only do we get to do all of this for our kids but we also can get some much needed time to run errands or even take a little "me" time on the weeks we switch off.  It's the best of both worlds for our children and ourselves, which is exactly what we SAHM's need.

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